A Series of Oddly Hair Raising Eyebrows

When it comes to defining the most important feature of the face, many people would argue that eyes take the top spot. They may well be the window to the soul, but I would argue that the things that sit right above them give them a run for their money. Eyebrows really frame the face. It is a rare person who can get away with not having them, because for most of us we end up looking like an egg

There are a crazy amount of things that we can do with our brows these days. From perming, to tinting, to bleaching, to plucking, there are all sorts of ways to make them more of a feature of our face. This also means that there are a lot of ways for things to go wrong, so it’s a dangerous game. Eyebrow style is a very personal thing, but many of these examples are questionable. 

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