The Mario Kart series is a magical franchise. In the decades since its inception, it has strengthened as many friendships as it has shattered. Despite being a development studio whose audience is primarily children, Nintendo sure has a knack for making the most frustratingly competitive games. Heck, the only games that top Mario Kart in …
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20+ Alien Memes for the Ecstatic Extraterrestrial Existence Believers
Do you believe in aliens? Logistically, it’s pretty much impossible not to. We are a small blip in an infinite system of planets. Sure, we’re all special, but we’re not quite special enough to rule out the existence of the possible existence of otherworldly beings. Even if we never encounter these beings, you’ve got to …
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35 Hilarious Book Memes for Literature Obsessives and Passionate Readers
One of the greatest feelings in the world is coming across a book that captures your interest. Not a book that you could read, a book that you find so enthralling that you absolutely have to read it. This is a rare occasion, a once-in-a-blue-moon moment. It’s a beautiful experience. Not every book is going …
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25+ Funny ‘The Office’ Memes for Dunder Mifflin Fanatics
I grew up at the point where I was old enough to catch «The Office» while it was on the air, but not quite old enough to understand the humor. My 8-year-old brain hadn’t quite reached the capacity to understand dry, cringe humor, so I kind of just chalked the series as something that wasn’t …
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Bold and Risky Statements That Eventually Aged Like Milk
Everybody is wrong sometimes. Yes, even those of us who are chronically in denial about the fact that we sometimes don’t have all the facts. If we didn’t have opinions and predictions that we later looked back on as kind of whack, we would never grow as people. At the same time, it is often …
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If Podcasts Were Honest | Honest Ads
As an elder millennial, I feel like ‘Serial’ (the podcast about Adnan Syed and the murder of Hae Min Lee) really kicked off a podcast craze that has grown, exponentially, over the past few years. These days, it feels like everyone and their mom either has their own podcast or is consistently appearing on someone …
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Cracked Discusses 4 Secret Origins Of Character Names
What’s in a name like Optimus Prime or Scar or Captain Nemo? Let’s find out, together. This… is Canonball.
Mom’s Passionate Defense of CD Collection Wins Admiration of the Internet
I was pretty late on the technological uptake when growing up. Like, didn’t have a smartphone until I got my dad’s old iPhone in college late. While I still listened to plenty of torrented and streamed music, this also meant that I had a meticulously selected CD collection. I liked to tell myself that I …
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Non-American Ponders Whether The USA Is As Bad As Reddit Makes It Out To Be
Looking at the news, you’d be forgiven for thinking that the US is an all-round terrible place. There doesn’t seem to be any shortage of people suffering for one reason or another, and it doesn’t give a very good reflection of the country as a whole. It led u/Homelss_Emperor to ask fellow Redditors whether the …
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Columnist Demolished By Twitter For Op-ed About Millennials
The oldest millennials are about to be 40 and the media is still somehow telling the entire generation to ‘grow the eff up’—a tall order in the midst of constant ecological, financial and health crises. Not to mention war, unemployment, non-existent job security, housing market collapse, student debt, and on and on and on. Yesterday, …
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