Dad hires a 16-year-old babysitter to work overnight, gets cross when she doesn’t wake up to tend to 9-month-old crying baby: ‘Maybe she should set alarms throughout the night to make sure she’s awake’

When hiring a teenage babysitter, there is only so much that you can ask them to do. While some teens make babysitting a whole job instead of a one-off thing, you can’t expect someone who is still in high school to take on the full burden of childcare that you’d ask of an actual professional …
Seguir leyendo Dad hires a 16-year-old babysitter to work overnight, gets cross when she doesn’t wake up to tend to 9-month-old crying baby: ‘Maybe she should set alarms throughout the night to make sure she’s awake’

‘Your friends are selfish’: Fed-up friend makes plans for 7:30AM, claims that millennials ‘can’t wake up early’

Some people thrive in the morning. They wake up with energy, ready to tackle the day and all it may have in store. I think these people are lucky. Just because the rest of us have trouble waking up doesn’t mean we don’t want to. I’m aspirationally a morning person. It rarely works out, but …
Seguir leyendo ‘Your friends are selfish’: Fed-up friend makes plans for 7:30AM, claims that millennials ‘can’t wake up early’

Defiant dad falls asleep at work and keeps job, tells former colleague who was fired for the same thing to sue: ‘He says they don’t pay him enough’

In the harsh and unforgiving world of work, one of the best ways of coping with it all is having solidarity with your coworkers. Admittedly, this isn’t always easy, but at the end of the day you probably have more in common with them than you do the big boss. This is especially true when …
Seguir leyendo Defiant dad falls asleep at work and keeps job, tells former colleague who was fired for the same thing to sue: ‘He says they don’t pay him enough’

‘I got scolded for letting a 2-year-old nap’: Parents demand pre-school teacher stop their kids from napping, claims it makes bedtime too difficult

I don’t envy parents trying to ensure their young children get the perfect number of hours of sleep every night. If they sleep too little, they will be grouchy and borderline evil the next day. If they get too much sleep, they will bounce off the walls and be unable to sit still during their …
Seguir leyendo ‘I got scolded for letting a 2-year-old nap’: Parents demand pre-school teacher stop their kids from napping, claims it makes bedtime too difficult

Gen X Shares How They Went From YOLO to ‘Get Off My Lawn’

Groaning when you climb up a flight of stairs is the new norm. Remembering names has become more difficult, although to be fair, you were never particularly good at that anyway. And the music? This new stuff sounds like angry robots having a rave in a blender. Does this sound like you? Congrats, you’re getting …
Seguir leyendo Gen X Shares How They Went From YOLO to ‘Get Off My Lawn’

32 Sleep Memes for Snoring Slumberers

Although we, as humans, love to keep ourselves busy with all kinds of random stuff that make no sense, as a collective, we have a few shared experiences that bring us all joy, with the main ones being – love, food, and sleep. Of those three, I would be lying if I said that sleep …
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40 Night Owl Memes for Sleepy Folks Who Hiss at the Morning Sun

There it is again, that darn’d alarm, ringing incessantly like I haven’t hit snooze 15 times. I’m not sure if it’s me or this devious time-telling device, but one of us is deluded.  Night owls struggle in the morning more than you’d think, weighing the pros and cons of employment and adulthood from beneath the …
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Divorced dad of 2 ridicules younger girlfriend for farting in her sleep: ‘What do you want me to do?’

Ah, men: you can’t fart with them, and you can’t fart without them. It has been my understanding for the longest time that men think farts are funny. They love to let one rip and then hold their beloved’s head under the covers as a fun little prank moment. It has recently come to my …
Seguir leyendo Divorced dad of 2 ridicules younger girlfriend for farting in her sleep: ‘What do you want me to do?’

‘He is getting 14-15 hours of sleep every day’: Lazy boyfriend refuses to do more chores because of daily 4 hour nap

I have never been a napper. Well, I guess I was a napper because I had to be one when I was a literal toddler, but I have not gotten back into the practice anytime after kindergarten. I find that it’s such a spectacular waste of time. We only have so many waking hours daily, …
Seguir leyendo ‘He is getting 14-15 hours of sleep every day’: Lazy boyfriend refuses to do more chores because of daily 4 hour nap

30+ Sleep Memes for Tired Sleepyheads in Need of 3 REM Cycles

Nothing is more critical to your health than getting a good night’s sleep as much as possible. There are some tough guys out there claim they don’t need to lay their heads on their fluffy pillows for more than 4-6 hours, but they’re just pulling your leg. If you really want to function at your …
Seguir leyendo 30+ Sleep Memes for Tired Sleepyheads in Need of 3 REM Cycles