We can all use some words of wisdom once in a while. Isn’t that what life is all about? Accruing wisdom from your all of your experiences as a living being and passing it along for future generations to come… Unfortunately, that’s not with this listicle is about. These are silly little words and quotes …
Seguir leyendo 25+ Memes Full of Wisdom That Won’t Make You Wiser
Funny Times Video Games Were Unexpectedly Wise
Sometimes you can find poignant wisdom and sage advice in the most unlikely places, like Persona 3 or Metal Gear Solid. Twitter account @VGAdvisor (Video Game Advisor) does an excellent job documenting all the amusing times video games were unexpectedly wise. Who knew important lessons about consent were woven into Mario & Luigi? Even more …
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40+ Times Video Games Were Surprisingly Wise
Any follower of Memebase knows how much we love video game memes. We can’t get enough of memes about the hottest new game or gameplay screenshots subverted into hilarious meme formats. @VGAdvisor is an amazing account that collects and shares unique moments of wisdom from mostly 8-bit games. Video game advice taken out of context …
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Insightful Thread Reveals How People Improved Their Quality of Life With Simple Changes
Happiness isn’t something that just drops into your lap one day like winning the lottery. Joy doesn’t simply arrive after some sort of spontaneous spiritual awakening. Quality of life is largely dependent on the conditions of one’s environment, and although many of the things that affect those conditions are out of our control, some of …
Seguir leyendo Insightful Thread Reveals How People Improved Their Quality of Life With Simple Changes
41 Times Video Games Were Surprisingly Wise
Any follower of Memebase knows how much we love video game memes. We can’t get enough of memes about the hottest new game or gameplay screenshots subverted into hilarious meme formats. @VGAdvisor is an amazing account that collects and shares unique moments of wisdom from mostly 8-bit games. Video game advice taken out of context …
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Nineteen Uplifting Memes That Spit Straight Wisdom
In these trying times, we could all use as much positivity as we can get. That’s why we gathered up the following memes that contain words of wisdom – they helped us, and we think they can help you too.