Family dinner comes with a lot of strings attached. And when it comes to siblings–you know, the kind who get along just fine but will always measure their half of the sandwich with a fine-tuned ruler–dinner reservations are never as simple as they should be. Granted, planning any restaurant outing with more than 4 people …
Seguir leyendo Entitled sister left with a $700 check after demanding her vegetarian brother foot the bill for her 12-person steakhouse reservation, he immediately bails: ‘She just wanted a free fancy meal’
Guy refuses to hang out with leech friends after footing the bill for countless dinners, prioritizes his ‘financial boundaries’ instead of their conditional friendship
We’ve all been in this guy’s position at one point in our lives. Your wide-eyed «friends» stare off into the distance when the restaurant bill is dropped off at the table. You wonder why you didn’t request separate checks at the beginning of the feast, and now, your wallet will take the hit as a …
Seguir leyendo Guy refuses to hang out with leech friends after footing the bill for countless dinners, prioritizes his ‘financial boundaries’ instead of their conditional friendship
2 leeches order $200 entrées, get angry when their friends cancel their entrées so they don’t have to split the bill 6 ways: ‘Dan, who probably only ate around $50 worth of food, was stuck with a $146.98 check at the end’
One of the most optimal parts of living in the United States is the ability to split the bill. Splitting a bill so that everyone pays for exactly what they ordered is less common in NYC, but in most parts of the country, it is not only accessible but encouraged. I understand why a restaurant …
Seguir leyendo 2 leeches order $200 entrées, get angry when their friends cancel their entrées so they don’t have to split the bill 6 ways: ‘Dan, who probably only ate around $50 worth of food, was stuck with a $146.98 check at the end’
‘It’s your birthday, you pay’: Family takes daughter out to dinner to celebrate her birthday, then hands her the bill to pay for everyone’s food
Are you the type of person who gets excited for their birthdays, or have you already reached the realization that birthdays are overrated and lead to nothing but disappointment? This might come across as bleak, but I honestly believe that birthdays create unrealistic expectations from the people who celebrate them, because they keep expecting the …
Seguir leyendo ‘It’s your birthday, you pay’: Family takes daughter out to dinner to celebrate her birthday, then hands her the bill to pay for everyone’s food
Patient Diners Prompt Disgruntled Thread After Waiting 90 Minutes to Get the Bill at Hotpot Restaurant
Restaurant service is a pretty basic thing, so long as you’re not a douchebag customer. All that most of us hope for is to be served promptly and with courtesy, as well as get any issues sorted out without a hitch. As a server, these objectives can occasionally be harder to deliver than they should …
Seguir leyendo Patient Diners Prompt Disgruntled Thread After Waiting 90 Minutes to Get the Bill at Hotpot Restaurant
Man Cleverly Gets Back at Ex Girlfriend Who Cheated, Moved Out, and Left Him With $800 Vet Bill
Young love, am I right? There is nothing quite like falling in love, prior to having a blueprint. Although the saying ‘love is blind’ is not exclusive to teenagers, it is seen a lot during those years. But hey, your brain does not even fully develop until age 25. No wonder all of my own …
Seguir leyendo Man Cleverly Gets Back at Ex Girlfriend Who Cheated, Moved Out, and Left Him With $800 Vet Bill