Terrifying British Karen Growls at Dude for Parking in Front of His Friend’s House

There’s something so scary and weird about someone banging on your car window. Unless there is a baby or a dog locked in there, there is practically no reason to be doing all of that. Still, Karens and male Karens of all kinds continue to bother people and complain about strangers just existing in a …
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Most Unexpected and Cursed Costumes from the Hottest Girls You Never Thought Would Be This Committed to Halloween

Just like Mean Girls taught us when we were young, hot girls always dress up for Halloween as the raunchy version of some sort of animal. They get lingerie in some animal print or color and simply wear animal ears claiming that they’re a mouse, duh. So what about the girls that commit? The girls …
Seguir leyendo Most Unexpected and Cursed Costumes from the Hottest Girls You Never Thought Would Be This Committed to Halloween

Terrifying 9.0 Earthquake Shakes Japanese Airport, Tsunami Follows

Earthquakes are arguably the most terrifying of all the natural disasters due to their unexpected nature – unlike tornadoes or hurricanes, it’s nearly impossible to plan for an earthquake or know when one is about to strike. This particular earthquake, which occurred in Japan in 2011, was followed by a tsunami and the infamous Fukushima …
Seguir leyendo Terrifying 9.0 Earthquake Shakes Japanese Airport, Tsunami Follows