International Internet Users Share the Most Obvious Signs a Person is American

Back in the mid-aughts, I was part of an exchange program that took a few lucky Americans on a trip to Japan for a few incredible weeks. It was a little nerve-wracking to think about traveling in a country where I couldn’t read or speak the language, but to my surprise, it was incredibly easy …
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People Overseas Share the Most Obvious Signs a Person is American

Back in the mid-aughts, I was part of an exchange program that took a few lucky Americans on a trip to Japan for a few incredible weeks. It was a little nerve-wracking to think about traveling in a country where I couldn’t read or speak the language, but to my surprise, it was incredibly easy …
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Things That Sound Wrong But Are Technically True

If you think that the truth is important, whether in proving a point or making a joke funny, we have the perfect thing for you: a whole new batch of memes from r/technicallythetruth. And just like Homer Simpson famously once said, they are funny because they’re true. Have a look at last week’s memes for …
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