25+ Wild Tweets From Users With No Filter

Famously, the internet can be a pretty wild place. When we give humans the chance to hide behind avatars and usernames, they will say anything. And they have. Since the very first tweet was twote, folks have been saying things they would never say to your face. And sure, most of the time that’s not exactly a good thing. Bullying is real, and it’s no fun, especially when it comes from strangers online. But sometimes the anonymity of the internet leads to some illuminating observations, out of pocket comments, and all-around knee-slappers. When the cat is away, the mice will play. 

So below we’ve collected some of recent history’s wildest tweets, confessions, and things that were probably better left unsaid. But in a way, we’re glad that they said them, because now we get to read it from a safe distance and chuckle. This is exactly what the internet is for. 

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