25+ Flirting Memes for Professional DM-Sliders

Flirting is a delicate art. Back in the day, lovers would write poems, and sonnets, compose symphonies, and paint frescos to win the affection of another. Today, we send each other memes. And swipe up on Instagram stories. And say «U up?» I’m not saying we’re doomed as a culture, but I do think we could stand to benefit from upping our flirtationship game just a tad. 

But I get it, flirting is hard. You have to strike the right balance between forward and plausible deniability. In my experience, pickup lines rarely work unless they’re either so good you have to applaud them or so bad that you commend their willingness to try. An in-the-middle pickup line is a surefire way to get ignored or rejected. But my money is on the fact that if you send any of these memes to a potential crush, you won’t hurt your chances. Heck, you might even help them!

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