41 Flourishing Memes for Plant Parents Gushing Over Their Latest Pothos Propagation

In 2024, they say that, when it comes to care, plants are the new ‘pets’, pets are the new ‘kids’, and kids are the new ‘exotic animals’. Nothing says adulthood quite like the urge to bring living things into your home to take care of them. It’s just human nature! Plant parents can attest that their green thumb obsession is more than just a hobby–it’s a lifestyle. While I’m one of those people who can’t keep a monstera alive to save their life, I admire those who have homes filled with fresh air, green-leafed plants, and abundant natural light. If I had the skills to repot, fertilize, and effectively water exotic plants, trust me, I’d be obsessed too. 

Alas, we’re all given special gifts and for plant people, that’s knowledge of everything plant-related. So if you’re a proud plant parent just thinking about your pothos at home, scroll onward to enjoy these planty memes that’ll mysteriously change your trajectory to the garden supply store. Oops! How did we get here? 

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