Amusing Anti Memes for Overly Literal Meme Lovers

Ever since the first cat said LOL on the internet, memes have only got more complicated. They come in a lot more formats than the humble Impact font image macro, and can be stacked with so many layers of irony and niche references that it’s hard to understand them after a triple take. 

A lot of the time, it can make them feel exhausting, rather than entertaining. If this is what passes for humor these days, then why bother? There is a whole genre of sensible memes out there that can raise a chuckle while also making sense. Anti memes encourage us to think of a world where everything is literal, and nobody is going to say the word ‘bussin’. Things go exactly as expected here, and they’re all the better for it. Maybe the content that is making the non-jokes the joke is something that we could do with more of. 

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