Anti-Aging Billionaire Gets Clowned for Sharing 111 Pill Supplement Regime Meant to Stop Him Getting Old

Look, nobody enjoys getting old. I know that aging is supposed to be a gift, but the way our bodies fall apart with time is one of the most horrifying things about being alive. I’m still pretty young by anybody’s standards, and the amount of minor ailments I have in comparison to when I was 18 is enough to keep me awake at night.

In short, I understand people who take preserving their health seriously. Things like upping your exercise quota, or quitting drinking are commendable acts that can improve both your fitness and your quality of life. 

However, it is possible to take such things to seriously — especially when you’re stupid rich, and have nothing better to do than try and become immortal. Bryan Johnson is a 45-year-old billionaire, and he has caught the attention of the internet for doing exactly that. The businessman spends $2 million every year trying to turn back his biological clock to that of his teenage self.

Claiming in an interview that part of his routine was taking 111 daily supplements, Twitter had a lot to say about his intense passion. You can biohack your brain cells all you like, but nothing can protect you from a freak accident.


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