‘We’ve been dating since you were 1’: Boy mom influencer horrifies with mother-son ‘date night’ proposal

Mothers of sons can have it hard. They’ve got to raise a boy in a world where it can sometimes seem like the default expectation for men is to be entitled and selfish at other people’s expense. However, it would be wrong to say that they don’t contribute to this by occasionally cultivating weird relationship dynamics with their male children. Seriously, it’s wild how some of the stuff they do is deemed socially acceptable by others.

A case in point is a video that recently went viral. In it, a mom proposes to her son that they go on a ‘date’ together. Insisting that it’s something they have done for his entire childhood, viewers were horrified by the inappropriate terminology being used for hanging out with a family member. Just a thought: maybe parents can have good relationships with their kids without pretending it’s a romance! That would be preferable for everybody.

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