Amazon Delivery Mix-Up Turns Into An Extremely Awkward Situation

Sometimes the Amazon delivery people screw up, and that’s okay – they’re human after all and life goes on. And if you’re a decent person, you’ll handle the situation with grace. That means not turning into a Karen on a phone call with someone in India, and not knocking on every one of your neighbors doors convinced that they stole it. While they can undoubtedly be a pain in the a$$, sometimes these screw-ups lend themselves to, shall we say, less-savory happenstances? Like that time my downstairs neighbor opened my hemorrhoid cream. He gave me that box back so sheepishly and couldn’t even make eye contact with me. In this particular case of delivery gone wrong, we are not really sure that these people will live to see the other side of this because it’s just so humiliating. But hey, it’s healthy to be able to laugh at ourselves, even our misfortunes.

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