The Most Entertaining Takes From TikTok This Week (September 12, 2023)

When you have had an internet addiction for long enough, there comes a point when you don’t want to keep up to date with the latest platform or innovation. This is how many people felt when TikTok started getting big, myself included. 

At the same time, this kind of thing often reaches a level of influence where it can’t be ignored, no matter how hard we might try. This list is living proof of that. While there are many millions out there who have managed to resist downloading the clock app, they probably haven’t been able to get away from its many reposts on their online diversion of choice.

Whatever you might think about TikTok, it can’t be denied that it has a big impact on the cultural climate that we live in — and plenty of it is entertaining, too. It’s not exactly free from embarrassment, but it’s often funny even when it’s cringe. 

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