Funny Gems & Tidbits From the World of Tumblr

Lots of internet users seem to think that Tumblr dot com is ‘over’ or ‘dead.’ Not so! In fact, Tumblr is thriving. While X (formerly known as Twitter) users flail about in a panic, wondering if Elon Musk is about to destroy the whole platform once and for all with one big paywall, Tumblr users are calmly cracking on with their funny anecdotes and amusing shower thoughts. While Instagram users bang their heads against a wall because the algorithm keeps trying to sell them the same scammy products and mobile games in between pictures of perfectly curated food pics and influencer selfies, Tumblr users are having interesting discussions about random historical facts. While karma-farming Redditors post variations of the same (obviously fake) story where everybody claps at the end, Tumblr users are reblogging each other’s cool posts for no other reason than to share something interesting with their humble little internet bubble. 

We’ve rounded up a bunch of entertaining tidbits, funny observations, and random anecdotes for people who keep wondering, ‘what ever happened to Tumblr?’

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