35+ Hilarious Cat Memes To Help You Laugh Through The Pain Of Finishing Another Weekend (July 2, 2023)

Well meow to you too, our fellow feline-loving comedians! Welcome back to our cozy little den, where we seek refuge from the Monday blues that pounce upon us with ninja-like stealth. Can you believe how quickly our weekend whiskers vanish into thin air? One moment, we’re basking in the glory of Saturday snuggles, and the next, Sunday springs out and steals all our precious downtime. But fret not, for we possess the purrfect antidote to those pesky 9-to-5 troubles: hilarious cat memes!

We’ve curated a collection that will have you ROFLing (yeah, we’re bringing it back) – from screaming kitty lifeguards to abnormal nighttime rituals – these funny cat memes are here to vanquish the Sunday scaries and welcome a brand-new week with open paws. We genuinely hope these adorable and funny furballs bring a sprinkle of joy to your day and make the burden a little lighter. They certainly did for us!

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