26 Hilarious Construction Worker Memes to Brighten Up Your 4am Weekend Wake-up Call (May 4, 2024)

Construction is an essential part of our lives. We all love new stuff, right? Like when a new bridge is built that makes your commute to work 10x faster, or a new basement remodel, or when a new restaurant pops up down the street. But man, during construction, it’s always met with complaints and grumbling from the public. The traffic from lane closures, the project taking forever, and the hammering and beeping all day long. But it’s kinda selfish if you think about it. The average citizen could never handle the job themselves. Construction workers are up at the crack of dawn, sometimes before, and they work all day in tough conditions. Whether it be a mid-summer, scorching hot day, or a heavy snowfall in the dead winter, they’re out there doing the hard, manual labor to make the community’s lives better. It takes a special kind of person to do that kind of work. So, in appreciation of the work that construction workers put in, we hope you enjoy these 26 hilarious memes below. 

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