A Kaleidoscope of 90’s Nostalgia Way Deeper Than the Ball Pit at McDonalds

I remember the 90’s. It was a time of unbridled commercials, spiky hair, fiery shirts, and a drifting moral compass that sugared us up better than Kool-Aid Jammer. We didn’t have Uber, cellphones, or Amazon Fresh–we had bicycles, gummy worms, and if we were lucky, a hand-me-down pager. We’d talk to our friends on the landline, while simultaneously sending chat updates on AOL instant messenger from the family computer. With grungy Sharpie black nails, we toggled the joystick of the coin-operated games down at the pizza parlor and we always had to be home before the streetlights came on. Life was good back then. 

Scroll onward to enjoy a piece of that 90’s nostalgic bliss with a collection of photos that’ll hit you in the feels faster than the slime dumper machine on Nickelodeon. 

After this, don’t forget to feel your Tamagotchi–your boy has been starving for decades (assuming that ol’ battery still works).

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