Extracts From Wikipedia That Are Both Charming and Strange

In my humble opinion, one of the best things about the internet is how it allows us to know stuff. While it’s almost as easy to fall down a deranged conspiracy rabbit hole as it is to find out useful information, the risk is sometimes part of the fun.

When it comes to knowledge, the first site that many of us are likely to think of is Wikipedia. Teachers across the land might wrinkle their noses if you use it for school, but what does it matter when they’ve got AI to worry about now

While our beloved online encyclopedia doesn’t always provide us with accurate facts, it comes pretty damn close to achieving that. It’s also got pages on just about every subject imaginable, making it great for amusing and thought-provoking screengrabs. We’ve gathered a few here to remind you of its greatness. Guess it’s time to waste many hours looking up random topics again.  

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