25+ of the Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week (January 25, 2024)

I once did a tour of an ER at a hospital and talked to some of the doctors and nurses on a school field trip. They had lots of interesting tales to tell, but one anecdote stuck with me. They were sharing horror stories about working 12-hour long shifts in the middle of the night, running around the whole time trying to help people, and making life-and-death decisions. They said they had never experienced exhaustion like that before. Until they became a parent. 

So, you heard it here first. Being a parent is more exhausting than being an ER doctor. And I believe it. At least at the end of a hospital shift, you get to go home and relax. When you’re a parent, you go home to your kids. So to everyone out there doing it, I commend you. You’re doing the impossible every day. Here are some tweets as a reward. 

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