Funniest Car Memes for Automobile Aficionados

Like it or not, gaining access to a car is a right of passage. It expresses a lot more than your first, unfettered chance to operate a massive object at a high speed throughout your area as a 16-year-old. It’s beyond the danger of it. Getting a car is getting your first taste of full-on freedom as a teenager. Although you shouldn’t, you could literally go anywhere, at anytime as long as you had the gas money. Here’s hoping you were considerate to your protective parents, but the IDEA that you could do anything was certainly embodied by your first car.

I’m by no means a mechanic. I can change a tire (barely) and I’m still sitting around a beginner skill level when it comes to operating a vehicle. That doesn’t matter. It doesn’t take an expert to state that cars are pretty cool. Could be a weird part of my brain, but that’s all I can say. They’re cool. Car community guys can be a little bit obnoxious, but at least they’re willing to sink thousands and thousands of dollars into a hobby they genuinely love.

So these memes go out to the car community and drivers everywhere. Take a seat, put on the most recent «Fast and Furious» for background noise, and check out these automobile memes!

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