Newly qualified attorney goes in for surgery, comes around from anesthetic reciting the Preamble to the Constitution: ‘[You] correcting yourself is the craziest part to me’

If you really think about it, tests are a crazy invention. The amount of knowledge you are expected to retain just so you can prove your competence has caused many a breakdown among stressed students who are at the point of sleep deprivation where they’re doubtful they can even remember their usual coffee order. This is especially true for those who have studied the big daddies of endless fact regurgitation, medicine and law. There’s a reason that these career paths make parents so proud, and it’s not just the hefty paycheck you get once you’re in the industry.

This is something that was hilariously illustrated by a newly qualified lawyer who had to undergo surgery recently. As she was coming around from the anesthetic, she began reciting all of her revision for the Bar exam. Viewers were equal parts impressed and sympathetic at the strength of her memory while under the influence. It’s no surprise that she passed.

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