25+ Darling Dog Memes for Canine Enthusiasts (June 27, 2024)

Why is it that when we talk to our dogs, we use the stupidest voices ever? I know it’s not just me. I can be the most normal person ever, walking around conducting myself in an adult manner, but as soon as I see a little fluffy guy, my voice shoots up 10 octaves and my vocabulary is cut in half. I guess it’s like baby talk but for dogs. Even if I try to stop myself, I can’t help but slip into my «whosagoodboy» range. 

I think it’s because dogs respond to it well. If you get hyped up, they get hyped up. It’s very easy to trick them this way. All you have to do is act really excited and jump around and then they’ll start jumping too. But then you feel bad for leading them astray, so you give them a treat. A vicious cycle, just as they intended. 

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