Mesmerizing Life of Stay-At-Home Girlfriend Sparks Discussion and Ridicule

At one point or another, all of us have wished we had more free time in our lives. If we could just work a few less hours, or not have to spend half our weekend doing chores, then we could start on that project we always dream about, or even just relax for once. What we tend to ignore in the middle of this fantasy is that there are people out there who live with 24/7 leisure. 

Anyone who has spent enough time on TikTok recently may have realized that one of the latest aspirational trends out there is the ‘stay-at-home’ girlfriend lifestyle, in which women forego careers in favor of full time housewife duties. 

A big proponent of it is @kendelkay, who often shares her daily routine of unemployment and caring for her crypto investor boyfriend with the world. Her videos recently caught the attention of Twitter, where people had plenty to say about this fascinating mode of living. While we’re all for taking things more slowly sometimes, the whole idea does look quite boring, to say the least. 

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