‘If you want it done, do it yourself’: Neighbor demands removal of a tree from shared backyard but refuses to help pay for it, claiming it’s too expensive

Ever heard of the phrase – ‘If you want something done right, do it yourself?’. Well, some people want things done but refuse to do anything to make it happen. Those are the kind of people who constantly complain about everything and everyone around them but never do anything to help or change the situation. 

I don’t know much about the person in this Reddit story, but he sounds a lot like the person described above. OP (original poster), writes on Reddit that she had a fallout with one of her neighbors after he came up to her and her husband while they were renovating their house. The neighbor demanded that they would remove a tree that was bothering him and that they should pay for it themselves. OP, who didn’t understand why she should be the one to be doing that since the tree wasn’t bothering her, immediately refused, which led to quite an unpleasant neighborhood atmosphere.

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