‘Talk to a lawyer’: Company fires pregnant woman 12 hours before birth, creates perfect storm for a lawsuit

It is not uncommon to get fired for no reason in The United States. Sure, your boss might give you some cock-and-bull reason for firing you, but you often have no real way of knowing if that’s the true reason for your termination. There are rare occurrences when somebody gets fired so carelessly at such a fraught time that it’s blatantly apparent that they’re being discriminated against. 

Recently, the mother of a pregnant woman went viral on Reddit for sharing her daughter’s story. After nearly four years of working from home, her bosses called her into the office to work the day before her pregnancy was being induced. They didn’t do that to give well wishes for her birth and maternity leave…oh no. They literally called her in to fire her. To top it all off, she and her husband work at the same company. What an absolute fumble. 

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