30+ Negative Nancy Memes For Sad Sacks Who Are Content With Being Bummed Out

It never ceases to amaze me how easy it is to fester in your own negative emotions. I know firsthand what it feels like to think negatively about myself around the clock. You have to work hard to feel positive and good about the world, but negative vibes come to us without even trying that hard. It makes sense because if you have a defeatist mindset (constantly thinking that you’re trash, the world is going to the dogs, and very little can be done about it), then it will be a self-fulfilling prophecy. Unfortunately, we are the only people who can pull ourselves out of sad ruts, but we can only do that when we’re good and ready. Sometimes, when you’re sad, you don’t want to waste energy trying to get happy when you’re unprepared. It’s not always so unhealthy to bask in the sadness; these negative memes are a perfect way to do that. 

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