28 Workout Memes for Maximum Gains (January 27, 2024)

I feel like we don’t talk about gym-timidation enough. That feeling of being scared to work out in front of others, for fear that they might judge you, your form, or think you’re stupid or something. This phenomenon happens to a lot of folks, and it keeps some from going to the gym at all. Sometimes it can help to go with a friend, or with a trainer who can show you the ropes. Some of the machines are confusing! And there is baked-in etiquette that’s not always the easiest to pick up on. 

It’s no fun to feel like an outsider, and sometimes a gym can be cliquey. But it’s one of those Catch-22 situations where the only way to get over it is to go to the gym. The only way out is through. And know that I feel your struggle 100%. Here are some memes to help you through.

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