A Citrusy Burst of Lemon-Related Memes and Things

It’s my belief that people take lemons for granted. Most stores, even the produce-phobic bodegas of Brooklyn, have a least a few to offer the acid-seeking individuals of the world. Lemons gussy up water. They add zip to salad dressings, their zest is crucial for many baked goods, and they taste good as hell in a cocktail. Lemons have inspired tired phrases (When life gives you lemons… ) and denigrating ones (when we’re talking about disappointing people or things). Lemon-flavored things also get a bad rap. Does anyone actually like lemon Starbursts?

The humble lemon, though, never hurt anyone. Sure, the fruit might inspire some sour faces, but they brighten life up and make it a little more interesting. Dissing a lemon is extra dumb because they’re not a naturally occurring fruit. They were created to taste, smell, and honestly behave the way they do. Lemons are so important (and ubiquitous) that they’ve also managed to inspire a whole lot of weird and funny memes and tweets. So whatever your opinion on biting citrus fruits, it seems they’ve got more than enough fans to bring content to our screens. And we’re here to share that content with you.

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