Funny Gems & Cringey Posts From the People of LinkedIn

Remember LinkedIn? The site where people you barely knew in college harassed you to connect, and your ex-boyfriend keeps stalking you? Well, not only does it still exist, but active users are regularly posting to the bygone website as we speak. Shocking, I know. But they really seem to be into it. If you haven’t had the opportunity to explore the depths of LinkedIn lately, or even at all, we certainly can’t blame you. But we can inform you that you’re definitely missing out on some top-tier cringe. Corny grindset lifestyle advice practically grows on trees there, and it’s actually sort of entertaining. Thankfully, internet archivists like @stateoflinkedin do a wonderful job documenting all of the ultra cringey and far-fetched anecdotes that sound like they were written by a bot. We’ve collected some our favorites from @stateoflinkedin‘s Twitter, but there are a whole lot more where they came from – and lots to be found on the site itself.

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