Snitch Employee Tattles to HR Every Time Her Coworkers Say Something Not PC

Unlike many Redditors at r/antiwork, I believe HR exists for a good reason. Even though human resources can care more about protecting the company’s interests over individual employees, those interests can often be aligned. If you’re being discriminated against in the workplace, HR will likely want to protect you by any means necessary. It’s terrible for the individual employees, and it’s awful for the company. 

Of course, there’s a way to abuse the open-door policy of an HR office. One Redditor recently shared the story of an anonymous employee constantly reporting members of their diverse staff to HR for simply mentioning aspects of their identity. A Black employee called her hair «nappy» and got reported. A lesbian employee referred to herself as «super gay» and got reported. A Cantonese employee called her food smelly and got reported. It is the Wild West in this office, and the workers of r/antiwork offered their words of support to the people working there. 

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