Scammer steals credit card information to rent car, emails card owner and asks why he canceled the rental: ‘Sorry to use the details hee hee’

Back in the day, you had to be genuinely sneaky to be a scammer. There were no websites with people’s credit card information available for any old schmuck to purchase. In the 20th century, you had to pick a pocket or snag a fat juicy wallet off the ground and make some magic by purchasing $1000 worth of Domino’s gift cards. There’s some level of skill that comes with good old-fashioned thievery that the crooks of today don’t have. Today, anybody can be a scammer without even having to work for it. 

So many scammers are getting too cocky with their crimes. One dude who bought a stranger’s credit card information from a selling page contacted the guy he stole from. He didn’t do it to apologize or even to mess with him but to earnestly ask him to reactivate the payment that he canceled. The nerve of some people!

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