X-Men Memes For Mutant Students at Xavier’s School For Gifted Youngsters

All superhero stories fall under specific formulas. Usually, they’re either a Batman-type who doesn’t have powers but fights against crime anyway, or they’re a Superman-type who was gifted incredible powers in a manner entirely out of their control. Neither of those scenarios is particularly relatable, but I find the X-Men mutant origin stories much more true to life. So many of us have been labeled as freaks for things that we have no control over, and so have the mutants from X-Men. Just because we don’t have green skin doesn’t mean we can’t relate to those cast aside by a society that doesn’t understand. Even if you aren’t part of a marginalized group, you have probably gone through puberty and understand how much that makes you feel like a monster in your own body. If you relate to Sunspot more than Clark Kent, these X-Men memes will make a swell scroll.

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