25 Funny Memes You’ll Laugh at if Your Summer Bod Hasn’t Arrived Quite Yet

Striving to achieve a gorgeous summer, body is a common aspiration. when the weather starts heating up, you start wearing less clothes. In fact, tons of people start working on perfecting their summer physique way before the summer season arrives. Some folks are hitting the treadmill and the Stairmaster in the middle of winter because they want to feel good about themselves on the beach when the time finally comes. They might even have a few swim trunks and bikinis picked out as inspiration. 

Not everyone takes their summer body goals as seriously, though. Hitting the gym inconsistently and eating junk food whenever you want is a sign that summer body goals simply aren’t at the top of your priority list. Whether you’ve achieved a summer body you are proud to show off or not, it’s fun to take time out of your day to laugh at relatable memes for individuals who are sharing the same feelings. 

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