25+ Darling Dog Memes for Canine Enthusiasts (May 9, 2024)

If dogs could talk, would it ruin the magic? Is their mystery part of the appeal? Would humans quickly ruin them with the poisonous tongue of gossip and envy? Or would our inter-species friendship fly to new heights, allowing us greater empathy and understanding? There is no way to know. 

We only have movies like Dr. Doolittle to give us insight into the hidden desires and attitudes of the animal kingdom. But that movie is over-the-top and goofy, which has its time and place. But what I’d really love is a hyperrealistic, grounded piece of cinema that explores what it would be like if animals could talk. I need it produced by A24, and I need it now. But while I wait for a team of creatives to draft that up, we have dog memes to guide the way. These memes do the speaking for our furry friends. And it’s hilarious.

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