15+ Witty Introvert Memes for Eager Outsiders Who Always Leave the Party Early (May 13, 2023)

How many times can you tell these people no? Your introverted self is running out of good excuses to get out of social events, your friends are getting more relentless, and worst of all, wedding season is coming up. Now that’s one party that’s unfortunately unavoidable. Wedding season is the bane of every introverts existence. Not only can you decline to go (that would be rude to your second cousin), but you’re also stuck ‘catching up’ with all of your family members that you have successfully sequestered into your bi-annual holiday group text. Now everyone’s going to be asking about your love life, your job, and the reason your skin’s pallor is paler than ever. Yes, Aunt Patricia, I never leave my house, that’s why. So if you’re desperate to leave the party early and head back to the safety of your home, these memes are for you.

Trying to get out of happy hour? Check out last weeks batch of introverted memes

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