20+ Chaotic Club Photos That Capture the Highs and Lows of Going Out

The club can get a bit of a bad reputation these days. As all the Zoomers decide that staying in is better than going out, it makes the things that go on in between those four dark and strobe lighted walls seem almost shameful. 

I mean, some of it definitely is, but there’s nothing wrong with letting loose to music in public. I’d go as far as saying that it’s something almost everyone should do now and then (so long as you remember to protect your hearing with earplugs). Alcohol doesn’t even have to be involved, if you don’t want it to be! 

That being said, we have to admit that some of the most amusing moments in clubbing come from a state of inebriation. Is it a healthy cultural phenomenon? Probably not! However, it can’t be denied that it tries to make up for this with the entertainment value it provides, as with the examples below. 

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