I think that Valentine’s Day chocolate is superior to Halloween or Christmas chocolate. I know that this is a controversial take that will upset many people, so let me explain. Valentine’s Day is the only holiday that major retailers sell those giant Hershey’s Kisses, and that is my absolute favorite way to consume chocolate. My mom would get me and my sister giant Hershey Kisses for Valentine’s Day every year, and I would go to town on them. I would gnaw on that sucker for at least a week, happily scraping shards off mediocre milk chocolate with my teeth. You might get some regular-sized Hershey’s Kisses if you’re lucky during Christmas. Those perfect chocolate dollops are rarely handed out during Halloween! Valentine’s Day is all about the mother of all Kisses. If you can’t wait to chug some boxes of chocolates tomorrow, these chocolate memes are perfect for your sweet tooth.