20 Weird Fun Facts for Inquiring Minds

Have you ever been in a group setting where someone asks everyone to «go around and share a fun fact about themselves?» I have, and every time I hear those words it sends a shiver of panic down my spine. A fun fact? About myself? The pressure to be funny, humble, surprising, but not too memorable that it starts an unwanted conversation, is immense. I begin mining my life for crumbs of interest. That time I petted a snake? No, more or less everyone has done that. How about that Idaho-shaped mole on my lower back? No, they’ll want to see it. I invariably land on something neutrally uninteresting. «I’m a Gemini/ Cancer cusp.» Fine, no questions. Move on to the next sucker. 

Facts are so much more fun when they’re not about yourself. The internet is full of those, mined from the brains of folks with different jobs/lives/past lives as you. Here are some of the best. 

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