23 Hilarious Sci-Fi Memes to Fill Your Nerdy Needs (February 12, 2024)

If you could possess the powers of any science fiction character from any book, movie, or TV show, which one would you choose? It’s a tough question since there are so many creatures, cyborgs, and mad scientists with unbelievable scopes of power. I might start with a cyborg/strong guy moment, like Arnold Schwarzenegger in Terminator. He’s basically un-defeatable, can achieve anything he wants to with his body, and has clear directives in terms of good and evil. I think being the Terminator would be a fun, simple life. You just run around saving the day. 

Or I could choose to be Yoda, with a plethora of folksy wisdom and an adorableness that wins everybody over. One thing’s for sure, I wouldn’t choose Dobby the House Elf. He’s always getting the short end of the stick. Who would you choose? You can use this list of sci-fi memes as your inspiration. 

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