25 Amusing Embroidered Memes That Leave Us in Stitches

Memes are increasingly becoming a very high tech enterprise. People are using them to propagate new and confusing slang, and creating them entirely with AI. If any fearmongering is to be believed, we might soon be living in an internet landscape where very few memes had the help of a human being at all. 

This is all the more reason to go back to basics. While most memes begin their lives in Photoshop, it’s not so difficult to transfer them to the real world, if you’re crafty. Nobody illustrates this better than the small but dedicated cross section of society who love both embroidery and funny internet pictures. With the right amount of skill, it’s truly a match made in heaven. 

Although we associate these images with scrolling on our phones, in this form they wouldn’t look so out of place when framed on the wall. They’re just that cool.

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