The internet has made cringe entirely unavoidable. If you grew up online, you have been guilty of cringe behavior at some point. Don’t act innocent. Maybe you made an embarrassing Facebook post a decade ago or maybe you tried way too hard to be funny in the comments of an Instagram post. You may have deleted them, but the internet is forever. For better or worse, people have forever access to the most embarrassing things you’ve done on the internet. I’m not saying that’s a good thing. It’s just a detriment that we have to accept with the usage of the web.
There’s a reason why cringe content is so popular. Second-hand embarrassment is a wicked beast. It’s bad, but you just can’t look away. We all want to see something somebody else has done that’s so cringey that it makes us feel better about our past cringe transgressions. It’s self-projection at its finest. It’s also just unfortunately entertaining content.
So why don’t we take a look at some true, bona fide cringe? We’ve collected the freshest cringe on the market, so why don’t you partake in a little second-hand-embarrassment? Enjoy!