25+ Funny Typos That Are the a Pitta Me of Comedy

Since the dawn of autocorrect, typos have gone from random little misfires of the keyboard to full-on changed meanings. No longer do we «mesd up like thfs» we «nest up like thieves.» Sure, it’s spelled correctly, but you know that’s not what I was going for! Technology can get smarter and smarter, but that doesn’t mean we do. Humans will remain spelling challenged as long as there are words to spell. But we can still relish in the spoils of when it ducks up royally. 

Below is a list of instances when regular typos transcended into something different, something far beyond the usual fumble and into a new phrase that unlocks a different meaning. These people messed up so badly that they invented new phrases. You know who also did that (intentionally?) Shakespeare. So to the bard, and to the poor saps behind these posts, we are eternally grateful. Bone apple tea. 

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