30+ of the Best Outdoorsy Memes For Nature-Loving Hikers, Campers, and Gardeners (April 18, 2024)

It might be cliche, but isn’t the great outdoors just magical? I feel so lucky to live in a country with many different ways to experience nature, even in an increasingly industrialized world. There’s something so peaceful about driving through the Great Plains of America, peering out the window to see where our crops are planted and where the Buffalo once roamed wild and free. Florida’s swampy bogs show us how much biodiversity can be stuffed into only one state. The southwest has some of the reddest rocks, deepest canyons, and the driest heat you will ever experience. I’m grateful that I’ve seen the Redwood trees of Northern California in person because they are the things of fairy tales. If you want to explore the natural landscapes of not only your country, but also the world, these nature memes can give you a glance into the natural world beyond your backyard. 

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