The Star Wars prequels have long been roasted for their subpar acting, stilted writing, and general wealth of cringe. But you know the saying «all press is good press,» and that certainly seems to be true for the good ol’ prequels. The last one came out in 2005 and we’re still talking about them. After all, there’s a lot to love. Natalie Portman is iconic (and continues to be… have you seen May December?). Hayden Christensen provides some good aughts-era laughs, and who can complain about Jar Jar Binks? C’mon, he’s a barrel of fun. So it’s no wonder that they’ve continued to stick in our cultural craw, providing meme fodder for decades, and seemingly decades to come.
So strap in, friends, because we’ve got a fresh crop of prequel memes for your viewing pleasure. Just don’t tell George Lucas because he might not like some of them.