33 Memes for Lone Rangers Walking the Road Less Traveled

Everyone eagerly awaits the weekend, but what you are waiting for determines who you are inside… a lone ranger, or an extrovert who is not afraid of people. I myself am a lone ranger who wishes she were a millionaire, so that she could buy one of those large, looming grey castles on a Scottish Island where no man dares lay foot. Or rather, can’t really lay foot because it’s such a long boat ride. I want to be rich so that I can avoid everyone. For now, I must make do with what I have, which is a tiny apartment in a stuffed building with nosy neighbors.

For those who are walking the road less traveled, you have come to the right place. Enjoy the memes below for like minded individuals, and don’t forget to turn your phone off this weekend. Maybe even set a reminder. Ciau for now, and for more memes, here you can find classical art funnies.

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