40 Humorously Preposterous Signs Found in the Wild

I’m the type of person who believes in signs from the universe. I believe in fated coincidences, real-life symbolism, and cosmic happenstances. Why? Because it’s way more fun to be the type of person who believes than the type of person who doesn’t. I know there are a lot of logical realists out there who are convinced that everything is random and that fate isn’t real, and I see where they’re coming from. But sometimes things are a little too weird to be fully random. Like when my best friend and I both happened to get obsessed with the same song at the same time, even though we were in different countries. It comforts me to look at my life and find patterns, through lines, and a splash of destiny. 

So if you’re anything like me, consider this your sign to delve right into this list of… funny signs. And if you’re not, you’ll probably still enjoy them. 

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