A Handful Of Memes For Pleasant Distraction

There are many ways in which we can choose to consume memes. We could be deeply ensconced in bed, getting our fix before we get up or delaying that much-needed sleep. At the opposite end of the scale, they pass the time when our train is delayed, or when we’re sitting in the dentist’s waiting room. Perhaps we’re curled up on the couch in our favorite position, that’s slowly turning our spine into a prawn shape; or in the corner of the party where we don’t know anyone, and our messages have all dried up.

Whatever way we choose to get our hit, it is still doing the exact same thing to our brain. Memes are tailor-made to be the greatest distraction, and they’re very good at their job. So, until we find a better way to get that instant enjoyment, it looks like we’re going to keep on mindlessly scrolling for years to come. 


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