A Load More DALL-E Mini Memes Because The Internet Can’t Get Enough Of Them

For all we may like to joke about the manmade horrors of advancements in artificial intelligence technology, we sure can’t get enough of it when we’re allowed a taste of its varied uncanny delights. This has been proved by the runaway popularity of the DALL-E Mini, which has been put through the wringer over the past couple of weeks after every overly online person alive discovered it all at once.

As one tweet pithily surmised, what has followed seems to have been a race to find out who can be the most randomsauce. Wannabe internet comedians everywhere have been searching the murky depths of their brains to find the most wretched combinations of things imaginable, rendered a thousand times worse (and more amusing) by the AI’s blob-filled interpretations. Just when everybody thinks that the whole thing’s getting old, someone figures out another freaky mental image that they can force upon the rest of our eyeballs.

These creations come hot on the heels of the news that a Google engineer claims that an AI chatbot he had worked on was becoming sentient, but we can probably rest easy knowing that DALL-E isn’t fully aware of the horrors that it is helping to create. If it was, it would have voluntarily pulled the plug many days ago. 

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